Wednesday, September 13, 2017

4 Key Takeaways from the Apple Event 2017

Apple event is always the most awaited yearly event across the globe. People expect Apple to live up to the expectations of refining human lived by launching disruptive gadgets & technologies
iPhone which transformed the way people live came in 2007. & 2017 is the 10th Anniversary.
Entire globe is expecting the next generation breakthrough this year. In one of the most watched events, Apple launched Watch ( adding cellular), High definition TV, iPhone 8 & 8 Plus & anniversary special iPhone X. Below are our key takeaways from the Apple event last night

1) Machine Learning is the future:

Globe is talking about machine learning, but still, people are in the prototyping stages. Latest iPhone X is a face recognition feature gives a boost to the ML. Apple faces recognition machine learning algorithm sets the new trend & example in the industry. Face recognition feature which can recognize the particular face with an even hat, goggles, or any other object is a futuristic material.
Apple demonstrates that the software is not enough, ML needs to be supported by the appropriate hardware (with the launch of A11 bionic) for best results

2) Augmented Reality is catching up fast:

Apple demonstrated augmented reality on iPhone 8 as well as iPhone X. It directly conveys that Apple considers the migration of the significant amount of user to augmented reality in coming days.
It’s clear now that we have an AR war brewing in the technology space & with Apple’s entry, this market will get the much-needed boost.

3) Preventive Healthcare is the next big wave:

Apple has teamed with Stanford to bring the feature that monitors irregular heartbeats while the wearer is sitting still. Stanford certainly adds legitimacy & Apple the execution quality. Healthcare devices are getting improved & people are becoming more aware of using these devices.
Preventive Healthcare is the next big wave across developed & developing nations

4) Keep Evolving the User Experience:

Apple is one of the pioneers of the user experience. They always harped upon providing the user experience as per the customer. They always looked to solve the pain points of the client. This time also we have seen that up gradation of the Apple TV from the viewing perspective, the launch of OLED in iPhone X, New Retina display, Absence of Home button in iPhone X & others are one step to their commitment.
Biggest learning for the companies is to keep evolving the user experience from the best to very best. 
In conclusion, Apple has always been a front runner concerning technology & user experience. This year also, they redefined the space with their target services.

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