Sunday, January 16, 2011

IT Sales Cycle - An Overview

     Sales Cycle in Information technology industry is a little bit difficult and the time is also on the higer side. Gestation period varies from 3 months to 9 months depending on the size of the project.

·         Lead generation
o        After market research and customer profiling depending on the product and services offered. Sales people identifies the companies whom we can cater our product and services. Getting details about all these companies through net or databases like hoover
·         Cold Calling/Email campaign
o        To touch upon the people and to spread awareness about our products and services
·         Follow up Calls
·         Product Demos/Presentations
o     Organize initial teleconferences and Webinars for the same. Depending on the potential and interest of the Client we plan visits to the prospects. 
·         Follow up meetings
o        Meetings with Technical people, CIOs etc and getting the requirements and expectations of the client
·         Proposal Creation
o        Creating a proposal depending upon the need of the customer. Proposing best solutions which gives customer the higher satisfaction as per Kano’s Model
·         Negotiation
o        Pricing negotiations
·         Sales Closure

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gaurav,

    I liked your post as it gave me an overview of IT Sales cycle. One suggestion that while using specific terms, it would be better to embed an hyper link on them as it could help the reader like me who doesn't have sales background :-). For e.g. what is Kano's model ( I got it through web latter ;-) )
    Keep on posting.

