Sunday, January 16, 2011

Product V/s Services Marketing

Product Marketing
Choosing a product is like matter of comparing the facts.
·         Perceived Value
a.       It is the capability of the product vis a vis other competitors in the market.
b.       We provide the customer a analysis of our product features with others available in the market
c.        We provide extended warranty free of cost to prove the potential of our product.
d.       Demo of the product and option of customizing it as per the needs of the customer
·         Price
a.       It is the development cost , operational as well as profit margin
b.       We offer best pricing as we are relatively small and looking forward to create a brand name
·         Location
a.       We target products for all the geographies and across the industries where it is sellable
·         Advertising
a.       Product is tangible and returnable
b.       We explain product benefits and demonstrate the same
c.        Brochures, blogs, case studies and customer testimonials
Services Marketing
Choosing a service is like a trial
·         Perceived value
a.       Consistent
b.       On time Quality Service
c.        We build perceived value by
                                                               i.      Senior people in our company
                                                              ii.      Quality processes being followed
                                                            iii.      Certifications
                                                            iv.      Customer Testimonials
                                                              v.      HR Processes – Recruitment as well as Retention
                                                            vi.      Sales Data, videos, audio etc
·         Price
a.       Operational + profit margin
b.       We try to be competitive
·         Location
a.       Depending on the Client except some of the countries where the rules and regulations are tough
·         Advertising
a.       Demonstrate process and proof through testimonials and other sources to build reasonable expectations with the customer. This in turn builds the perceived value
b.       Planning Customer Visit to our premises and demonstrating all the processes live in front of them
·         Process
a.       Demonstrate , how our process is better than competitors
b.       Quality processes
c.        Six Sigma etc
d.       Recruitment Processes
e.        Project Management practices
f.         Monitoring and feedback processes
g.       Management control processes
·         People
a.       Excellent Talent
b.       Retention
·         Proof

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